Team Kingthing: Brock Presland
Web Developer

Brock Presland

Brock Presland

Brock is a Full Stack ("everything") Web Developer specialising in creating bespoke websites that get things done. With a passion for business, design, and technology, Brock became a master of website development early on. In his final year of school, he took 1st place in the National Youth Week DesignIT Competition and won the Industry Award for Graphic Design.

At 15, Brock used his earnings to buy and resell products online, creating his first website with Shopify. This experience ignited his love for web design and development. Over the years, he has gained advanced programming skills and developed unique solutions, from simple landing pages to complex, custom-built platforms. Brock tries something new with each project to push the boundaries and is not afraid to enter The Matrix to get the job done. He ensures solutions are easy to use for clients, avoiding technical jargon and explaining complex concepts in simple terms.

Currently studying a Graduate Certificate of Cybersecurity and Networks, Brock enjoys solving complex business and technology problems, especially in cybersecurity. As a Digital Ready Coach, he also loves helping people get more comfortable with technology.

Fun facts

The not so serious bit

Fast cars, Freestyle BMX, technology and gadgets, British comedy, video-games, Harry Potter, card tricks.

Favourite Instagram account
@loganmartinbmx - this guy is mesmerising to watch.

What inspires you?
Talking to people about their achievements and passions. There’s nothing better than that spark you see and hear when people talk about the things they love.

Motivational song
Throne - Bring Me The Horizon

If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do at Kingthing, what would it be?
Digital Wizard - I turn caffeine into code and make the internet magical.

Rob won't stop whistling in the office, how do you distract him?
Throw a ball at/to him

What's your coffee/hot drink order?
Hot white chocolate with cream and all the big fluffy marshmallows (pink or white I’m not fussy).

Who would you invite to a dinner party?
Elon Musk - to talk about the future and find out if he's a mad-man or a genius

If you could be a world champion in any sport, what would it be?
If designing websites wasn’t a sport I would choose Freestyle BMX, Formula E, or Drifting.

What would be your ultimate three course meal?
Prawn toast, honey chicken with fried rice, followed by deep fried ice-cream with butterscotch topping. No vegetables allowed.

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