We love an innovative digital strategist who is driven to assist our clients (and the Kingthing team!) to persistently achieve ever-greater results and Nick is just that. A true go-getter.
Joining Kingthing as an ambitious and helpful team member with a thorough understanding of how various programs operate, Nick is always up for a good challenge - a necessity in the ever changing world of marketing.
Graduating with his Honours in Marketing with a primary focus on using customer retention for the video game industry he definitely knows his way around the digital world. Prior to the completion of his Honours, he even obtained a double degree with a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of ICT (talk about highly educated!).
Beyond the marketing realm, Nick, a former cinema manager is our go-to for movie knowledge. Ironically he would be our last choice for a trivia team member as he has very little knowledge of classic films. This is a major sticking point for the oldies in the office when they drop quotes like “say hello to my little friend” and he responds by patiently waiting to greet the aforementioned, ‘little friend’.
During his university years, when he wasn’t up late trying to wrap his head around complex problems, Nick could be found assisting local theatre productions in Launceston, notably Strictly Ballroom and Mamma Mia! In classic Nick form, he hasn’t seen the movies from which the productions are based off. Thankfully, he can still join in on a ABBA sing-a-long as the lyrics to the theatre show songs are firmly stuck in his head from his days behind the red curtains.
Whilst you won’t catch Nick watching any film dated prior to the 90’s, in his spare time you can usually find him at the gym (he says that trend may not last long!) or playing the latest blockbuster video game at home.
Movies (Especially Marvel), Music, Video Games both old and new, Lego and working out at the gym in my spare time.
Favourite Instagram account
I wouldn’t say I have a particular favourite, if any it would be @marvel to see any new trailers that drop.
What inspires you?
The accomplishment of completing a task that seemed unachievable from the beginning.
Motivational song
Radioactive - Imagine Dragons, it’s always what I have on at the gym. You also cant go wrong with some Fallout Boy.
If you could write your own job title that best describes what you do at Kingthing, what would it be?
I run around, write stuff and help people out.
Rob won't stop whistling in the office, how do you distract him?
Rob whistles? Must be doing a good job covering that up.
What's your coffee/hot drink order?
Depends on the occasion. But you can’t go wrong with a warm hot chocolate, unless needing a pick me up which then a Latte is the go to.
Who would you invite to a dinner party?
Ariana Grande..
If you could be a world champion in any sport, what would it be?
Esports, especially with the size the industry has grown to and I’d say im good at it.
What would be your ultimate three course meal?
The best three course meal would be starting with some garlic bread, which leads perfectly into a nice sized streak. But when you don’t think it could get any better that’s where you are wrong… this is where the chocolate cake comes out for desert!